Picture of Richard Campen

Full stack web dev.

DevOps / infrastructure.


Ex microbiologist / bioinformatician.


Campen, Richard; Kowalski, Julia; Lyons, W. Berry; Tulaczyk, Slawek; Dachwald, Bernd; Pettit, Erin; Welch, Kathleen; Mikucki, Jill (2019). Microbial diversity of an Antarctic subglacial community and high‐resolution replicate sampling inform hydrological connectivity in a polar desert. Environmental Microbiology

[ SFAM ] [ scholar.google.com ]

Chua, Michelle; Campen, Richard; Wahl, Lindsay; Grzymski, Joesph; Mikucki, Jill (2018). Genomic and Physiological Characterization and Description of Marinobacter gelidimuriae sp. nov., a Psychrophilic, Moderate Halophile From Blood Falls, an Antarctic Subglacial Brine. FEMS: Microbial Ecology

[ Oxford Academic ] [ scholar.google.com ]

Campen, R. L. (2015). Investigating the mode of action of tuberculosis drugs using hypersensitive mutants of Mycobacterium smegmatis.

[ researcharchive.vuw.ac.nz ] [ scholar.google.com ]

Campen, R. L., Ackerley, D. F., Cook, G. M., & O'Toole, R. F. (2015). Development of a Mycobacterium smegmatis transposon mutant array for characterising the mechanism of action of tuberculosis drugs: Findings with isoniazid and its structural analogues. Tuberculosis.

[ sciencedirect.com ] [ scholar.google.com ]